What Ports and Ip Addresses Need to Be Open for Mangoapps Shared Cloud to Work?
The IP and port questions that are being answered in this article are:
What are the general ports and IPs for MangoApps?
What are the specific ports and IPs for AD / LDAP?
What are steps to troubleshoot connectivity issues?
What are the general ports and IPs for MangoApps?
For traffic from customers computers to MangoApps, following ports must be open for all ip-addresses:
HTTPS: 443
XMPP: 5222 or XMPPS: 5223
For traffic from MangoApps to customer systems (e.g. for Active Directory Integration) following ips must be white-listed:
For United States Hosted Shared Cloud Customers:
For Europe (Ireland) Hosted Shared Cloud Customers:
For Europe (Germany) Hosted Shared Cloud Customers:
For Australia Hosted Shared Cloud Customers:
For Asia Hosted Shared Cloud Customers
What are the specific ports and IPs for AD / LDAP?
LDAP: 389
Secure LDAP: 636
For IP addresses, please see the list above in the “What are the general ports and IPs for MangoApps?” section.
What are steps to troubleshoot connectivity issues?
Verifying the MangoApps-specific ports in your environment can minimize connectivity and functionality problems. The ports can generally be tested using a command line Telnet client. Below are how to start Telnet in a terminal in Mac OS and in a DOS window on Microsoft Windows. After that, the commands to test each port are the same.
Steps for Microsoft Windows
Open a DOS command prompt and type: telnet /?
Since Telnet is not installed by default on Windows, you will know if you need to install it If you get an error like:
'telnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
If typing telnet /?
shows the Telnet help and not the above error, you can skip to the Telnet Commands to Test Ports section.
If Telnet is not installed, you should be able to install it from a DOS command line by typing the below command. If you don’t get an error and the DOS prompt returns, it is installed. You MUST close the current DOS window and reopen a new one to be able to use the newly installed Windows Telnet command line client.
pkgmgr /iu:"TelnetClient"
Steps for Mac OS
On Mac OS X, navigate to the “Applications” -> “Utilities” folder and choose the “Terminal” app.
Telnet Commands to Test Ports
The Application server is based on where your datacenter is located such as: In the United States, Europe, Germany or Australia. Make sure you test against the appropriate application server. Application Server Tests First, find your appropriate data center IP from the list above. Then run a Telnet command test (e.g. for US datacenter you would run a command like “telnet 443” to test connectivity to port 443. You would want to make sure that connectivity is open for all the IPs and ports to the data center where your domain is located. Both IPs and ports required are listed in the “What are the general ports and IPs for MangoApps?” section above.
If there is a connectivity issue, you will receive an error after a short time. If connection is successful you will see a window without any prompt. To bring up the prompt type the 2 key combination: 'CTRL' + ']' to bring up a prompt. Then type “quit” to exit.
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