How to Delete a Project Template
Project Templates can be deleted by the creator of the template or network admin.
1. By the creator the Project Template.
Navigate to “Projects” from the left navigation.
Click on the “All Projects” drop-down and change to “Project Templates”
Select the Project Template you wish to be deleted and click on three dots button i.e “Admin Tools” to select “Delete” (You need to be creator of the template to be able to view the admin tools button)
A confirmation message will pop up asking to type “DELETE” to confirm the deletion.
2. By Network Admin
A network admin can manage project templates from admin portal. The Network admin does not need to be the creator of that template.
Go to Admin Portal.
Select “Modules” from the left navigation and choose “Projects” from the secondary navigation.
Click on the drop down to select “Project Templates”.
Click on the drop down next to the template you wish to delete and select “Delete Project Template”
A confirmation message will pop up asking to type “DELETE” to confirm the deletion.
Last updated