How can I reassign a task to someone else in MangoApps?

Tasks that are currently assigned to you can be easily reassigned to a colleague.

To re-assign a task that is assigned to you.

  1. Click on “Tasks” Module from the left-hand navigation or from the Sub-navigation of a Project.

  2. Find the task that you want to re-assign click the tick box for it then select Re-assign

3. Choose a colleague from the Responsible Person look-ahead field.

4. Optionally, Make an entry in “Notes” to inform everyone that the task was reassigned. This will be in Comments automatically.

If you need to assign additional people to a task as approver.

1.Click on “Tasks” Module from the left-hand navigation or from the Sub-navigation of a Project.

2. Find the task that you want to assign more approvers and select it, then select Edit on the top right of that task.

3. From the Task Approvers field type additional co-workers

Last updated