How can I re-open a completed task in MangoTasks?

Closed tasks can easily be re-opened, follow the steps here for each Stage: From the task module you need to select each task you need to revert.

Responsible Person

1. Started Tasks. Change the View to My or ALL Pending Tasks. You can click the drop down and Select “Revert to New” to chang it back to “Not yet Started” status.

2. Finished Tasks. Change the View to My or ALL Pending Tasks. You can click the drop down and select “Reopen” to revert it to “Started” status

3. Delivered Tasks. Change the View to My or ALL Completed Tasks. You can Select “Reopen” to revert it to a Reopened / Restart status. At that point, you can decide what status it will have “started, finished, delivered”.


  1. Pending approval. Once a Task is Delivered it’s now up to the Approvers in a “Pending” status. This will be in the approvers view of My or ALL Pending Tasks. You can select to Accept or Reject the task.

2. Accepted Tasks. Change the View to My or ALL Completed Tasks. You can Select “Reopen” to revert it to a “Pending approval” status.

Last updated