How can I archive a project in MangoApps?

There are several key concepts about project archival in MangoApps. This article addresses the following questions:

  • Why should I archive a project rather than delete it?

  • How do I archive a project?

  • Can I find an archived project with a search?

  • Who can see archived projects?

  • How can I see a list of archived projects?

  • How do I recover an archived project to activate it?

Why should I archive a project rather than delete it?

Your projects get worked on by multiple users. Each user may have contributed some content, documents, comments, wikis, tasks or any of the other collaboration that is valuable. Archiving projects retains this valuable collaboration without leaving it in plain view to get stale. The bottom line is that if you delete a project rather than archiving it, work is lost forever and cannot be recovered.

Archiving project allow users to see the content of the project but not make any changes to it. If the project needs to become active again, then changes can again be applied to the project.

How do I archive a project?

MangoApps network admins can archive projects from the project itself. To archive a project:

  1. Navigate to “Projects” from the left navigation bar.

  2. Choose the project that you want to archive from the list by clicking on it’s link.

  3. Choose “Admin Tools” button -> “Archive Project”.

Affirm your choice by clicking the “Archive this project” button on the dialog box.

Yes, archived projects will appear in search results. Users can go to the project and view the content but no changes can be made to the project until it is reactivated.

Who can see archived projects?

Any user can view the archived projects they have privileges to see either by searching for the project or by listing the archived projects.

How can I see a list of archived projects?

To see a list of archived projects:

  1. Navigate to “Projects” from the left navigation bar

  2. Select the drop down to choose “Archived Projects”

How do I recover an archived project to activate it?

Archived projects can be activated by admins. To activate a project:

  1. Navigate to “Projects” from the left navigation bar.

  2. Select the drop down to choose “Archived Projects” and you will see the Archived Projects

  3. Click on the project link that you want to reactivate.

  4. From the “Admin Tools” button to choose “Activate”

  5. Affirm your choice by clicking the “Activate this project” button on the dialog box.

Last updated