How can I ‘move conversation’ in MangoApps?

As a initiator of a conversation (feed) you can move the conversation to a different group or a project. If there aren’t any existing groups or projects that are relevant for this conversation, you can create a group or project on the fly. To move a conversation:

  1. Click on the “More” menu and choose “Move Conversation”.

2. Choose one of the four radio buttons including:

  • Existing Team(Department, Group, Project)

  • New Group

  • New Project

3. Fill in the “Start typing a name” box when choosing “Existing Group” or “Existing Project”.

4. When choosing “New Group” or “New Project” type a name for the new group or project and choose it’s privacy from:

  • Public

  • Private

  • Secret**

**Secret is only available in domains that allow that permission.

5.Click the “Move Conversation” button.

Last updated