How to add RSS feeds in MangoApps?
RSS is acronym for 'Really Simple Syndication'. It helps one to keep up with news and information that’s important. The advantage of RSS feeds is that it avoids conventional methods of browsing or searching for information on websites as information gets pulled and made available at one place.
RSS readers helps to keep you up to date with what’s happening. To follow an RSS feed in MangoApps, you can add the built-in Widget from the Widget Gallery.
Setup instructions to add “RSS widget”
You can view RSS feeds on your “Dashboard” and “Side-bar widget”.
From your Dashboard or Side-bar widget, click on “Customize” to add the widget.
Select the widget “MY RSS Feeds” under Recommended category and add it to your “Dashboard” or “Side-bar widget”.
Setup instructions to add a new RSS subscription to RSS widget
Navigate to “RSS Reader” module of MangoApps.
Click on add “New Subscription” to add a RSS feed.
Provide a relevant title to the RSS feed and paste the RSS Link from which you would like to receive feeds
You can get the RSS feed URL, usually by right-clicking an RSS icon and choosing “Copy Link Address”.
You can now view the RSS feeds on your “Dashboard” and “Side-bar widget”.
Last updated