Calendar & Events FAQs

How is a company event different from a team event in MangoApps?

With MangoApps you can create a company event for your all-hands, a blood drive, rallying up volunteers for a cause etc like company-wide events. These Company events are visible to all network users on their calendar.

You can also create a team event for a specific team occasion, team meeting, team discussions, team outing etc. These Team events are visible to all team members on their calendar.

Learn more on the different kind of events here.

How can a MangoApps admin configure calendar setting from the admin portal?

Events are a great way to setup a meeting, appointment, team event or a company event in MangoApps. All events appear on your calendar. Learn more on managing the calendar settings and event settings from your admin portal.

How to create recurring events in MangoApps?

MangoApps allows users to create Recurring Events inside the calendar and in projects. This helps when planning events that need to occur more than once, such as daily or weekly meetings, training, appointments, or workshops. See the different options available during event creating along with recurrence here.

How can admin change the start date of the week in MangoApps?

Based on the country, location and demographics of where the company/organization is based out of, the Start Date of the Week may be different for different companies. The network admin can configure the start date of the work week for your company. MangoApps calendar will adjust itself and start the week from the day configured.Learn how to set/change the start date in MangoApps calendar from the admin portal.

How to create holiday/important events in MangoApps?

The company may want to share company holidays and certain important Dates(company events) to all the network users of the portal. This can be achieved from the admin portal.Learn how to create company holidays here.

How do I "sync to calendar" ?

The Sync to Calendar option helps you stay on top of your events, milestones, and tasks with due dates by syncing them to calendars like Google Calendar, iCal, some versions of Outlook, and any calendar that allows you to subscribe by URL.Learn how to use sync to calendar here.

Can event invitees write on the event wall?

Yes, invitees and attendees can contribute to the activity stream of messages on the Event Wall. Posts may include changes to the event, information about the venue, or any general comments that other people would find useful pertaining to the event.

How can I comment on an event in MangoApps?

The MangoApps Events Wall is the activity stream where attendees post messages. Messages can contain links as well as include pictures and videos. The wall is the central location where all attendees can voice what’s on their mind about the event.

To go to Events Wall, click on Event in the calendar and select “View Full Event”.

The scroll down to “Wall” section.

Do event invitees need to be part of the MangoApps network?

You can invite anyone with an email address to an event. Such events will create guest users for those people that are invited to the event but are not part of the MangoApps domain.

Using Events

MangoApps Calendars and Events allows users to schedule their daily work agenda meetings with their colleagues.With MangoApps Calendar, users can now quickly schedule meetings, setup team events, plan company events and create appointments. For all the events you create you get reminders, so you always know what’s next.

MangoApps events are an easy way to invite employees, customers, and partners to attend a get-together, or schedule something in advance so that MangoApps users are notified. Any meeting that needs an RSVP or guest list, can be made into a MangoApps event.Learn everything on how users can utilize the calendar and events feature here.

Can I invite “out-of-network” attendees to an event?

Yes, you can invite “out-of-network” or external users as attendees to your event, MangoApps will create guest user accounts in the MangoApps domain for those “out-of-network” attendees.

Who can see the event wall?

All invitees and attendees to in the event can see what is posted on the Event Wall. It’s the central location for information pertaining to the event.

How do I see the status of the RSVP list?

Any event invitee or attendee can see the confirmed guests and status of other invitees by clicking on the “Events” feature in MangoApps, choosing the event from the Event Calendar, then looking for the “Confirmed Guests” section in the middle of the page. The status of other invitees is listed in the right-side menu under “”View All” and each is categorized into sections for “May Be Attending” , “Not Attending” , “Declined” and “Not responded”.

How can I print the event guest list in MangoApps?

To print the event guest list, you must be logged in as the event creator. Then:

  1. Open 'Calendar' on your MangoApps domain.

  2. Find your event on the calendar and click on it to open the details

  3. Click on Event Tool from the right top

  4. Click on “Print Event Details”

  5. Click the “Print” button

How can I cancel an event?

To cancel an event, you must be logged in as the event creator. Then:

  1. Click on the “Calendar” feature from the feature list.

  2. Find your event on the calendar then click on it. Then click on 'Cancel Event'.

  3. Else,open the event and from the top right-side 'Event Tools' option, choose “Cancel this Event”.

How can I edit the event after the event has been created?

Yes, you can edit an event if you are the event creator after it has been created by:

  1. Click on the “Calendar” feature

  2. Find your event on the calendar and click on it to open the details.

  3. Now click on the 'Event Tools' option on the top right corner and select 'Change Event Details'.

  4. Alternatively, you can also click on the 'Edit' option when you first click on the event from your calendar.

How do you edit the event guest list after the event has been created?

To edit the guest list for an event in order to remove or add more attendees, you can simply edit the event to change the event details as per the above question.

What type of privacy settings can be applied to events?

The privacy settings that can be applied to events are:

  1. Full Company - Anyone within the MangoApps domain can join the public event without an invitation.

  2. Private - Attendees to private events receive invitation from the event creator and the event name is shown on the public event calendar. Domain members may request to join private events and admins of the event will be notified of the request to make their decision.

  3. Secret - Attendees to secret events receive invitations from the event creator and the event is not shown on the public event calendar.

  4. Team - Invitation to the event will be sent to users who are member of the team.

How do I upload and share a document in Mangoevents?

Share a document in MangoEvents by attaching it to a activity stream feed. Each time you compose a feed, you can click the “Attach” link to share a document. The document can be searched by people that can view the feed.

How do I sync the Calendar?

To synchronize your Calendar, follow these steps:

  1. Access the User Portal and navigate to the Calendar.

  2. Click the Sync icon located at the top right corner.

  3. Choose the option to sync with either Outlook or Google Calendar from the list.

  4. Copy the link that appears.

  5. Open your Google Calendar and click the "+" sign to add another calendar.

  6. Select "From URL" and paste the copied link.

Your Calendar will now be synchronized.

Can you remove birthdays from the calendar?

No, you cannot remove birthdays from the calendar.

Last updated