Trash Can Tools
Place where all the deleted content resides until it's permanently deleted
Last updated
Place where all the deleted content resides until it's permanently deleted
Last updated
The Trash Can in the MangoApps Admin Portal is a tool for managing deleted content across the domain. It displays a list of all deleted items, starting with the most recently deleted, and provides network administrators with the ability to restore or permanently delete content.
When users delete certain content, it undergoes a "soft delete," meaning it is moved to the Trash Can rather than being permanently removed. This allows admins to recover the content if needed or delete it permanently.
The Trash Can also includes an Advanced Setting that lets admins configure a preservation limit for deleted items. By default, this limit is set to 90 days, after which the content is permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.
Only a network admin can restore deleted content in the trash can from the Admin Portal.
Only network admins can manage the Trash Can, but users such as feed creators and team admins can soft delete content from public and private projects or groups. When a team or network admin deletes content, they can choose to notify the feed creator via email or in-app notifications.
The Trash Can provides detailed information about each deleted item, including the item name, the user who deleted it, the date and time of deletion, and the team or project it belonged to. Deleted content from unlisted groups or projects is anonymized in the Trash Can and displayed as *****.
To help admins efficiently manage deleted items, the Trash Can includes search functionality and filters. Admins can use the search box to locate items by keywords or apply filters to narrow the results by content type, such as files, projects, groups, events, or wikis.
Trash: List of all deleted items on your domain, starting from the most recently deleted item.
Advanced Setting: Set the preservation limit for your trash can. You can set the period to retain the deleted content in the trash can. By default, the preservation limit is set to 90 days. After 90 days the content is permanently deleted and CANNOT be restored.
Search: Search text box to search the trash can using specified keywords.
Search Filter: Search filter to view all or specific content based on the selected filter. You can choose to display the entire content using Show All or filter the content using the filters. By default, the trash can displays all the deleted items in an ascending order starting from the most recently deleted item.
Item Name: Name of the deleted item from your domain.
Deleted By: Name of the person who deleted the item from your domain.
Deleted On: Deletion date and time of the item.
Team: Name of the team from which the item was deleted.
Network admins CANNOT view the deleted content in the trash can. They can choose to restore the deleted or permanently delete the content.
Admins have exclusive access to restore content from the Trash Can. Restoring an item reinstates it in the domain and logs the action in the Audit Log as Restored. If a project, group, or department is restored, all associated content, such as pages, files, folders, and feeds, is also restored, with each restoration logged individually.
To restore content from the Trash Can, hover over the item, click the Restore button, and the item is reinstated in the domain. For permanent deletion, admins must hover over the item, click Delete, and confirm the action by typing DELETE in the pop-up window. This ensures that accidental permanent deletions are avoided. Whether restoring or permanently deleting items, network admins can efficiently manage deleted content and maintain a clean and organized domain using the MangoApps Trash Can feature.
Restoring deleted content from the trash can does NOT trigger any notifications or email.
Restoring a deleted project, group or department, restores all the content (pages, files, folders and feeds) and adds a log entry for each item in the Audit Log as a Restored action.
Items can be permanently deleted from the Trash Can, and this action is irreversible. When an item is permanently deleted, it is removed entirely from the domain, and the action is logged as Deleted Permanently in the Audit Log. Permanently deleting a project, group, or department also removes all related content.
Permanently deleted items CANNOT be recovered nor restored.
Admins can also configure how long deleted content is retained in the Trash Can by adjusting the preservation limit in the Advanced Setting tab. By default, deleted items are retained for 90 days, but this period can be customized. After the specified limit expires, the content is permanently deleted automatically.
There is no notifications or email when the system permanently deletes the content from the trash can after the preservation limit period expires.
Files & Folders, Projects, Groups, Departments, Events, Idea/Idea Campaigns, Posts, Pages, Wikis, Trackers, Quiz, Survey, Screen Share, Ballots, Chats, Office Location, and Updates.